Aeri Lee

Ground cherries symbolize love, wealth, fortune and fecundity

There are a lot of symbolizing meaning based on shape of ground cherry in oriental world.

There are several examples to explain of it.

One of them, ground cherries symbolize happiness and fortune since they look like Korean traditional lucky bag.

Second, ground cherries symbolize success and lucky future since they also look like traditional lantern to light up the dark.

Also, since ground cherries look like mother holding baby, they symbolize love and fecundity. last one that I’ll explain, it’s believed that ground cherries protect human beings from the devil.

So they used to be decoration for Buddhahood in temple. Today, flowers and fruits of ground cherries are for decoration.

leaves and roots are used for materials of oriental medicine.To express circulation of nature and life for explaining life and nature importance, I searched and studied seed and fruit.

I happened to listen old story which is about ground cherries from old lady on the way to my personal workroom.

She said, children eat ground cherries which taste sour, sweet and bitter together. They also play with them whistling

Ground cherries are good for five senses, which are tasting, smelling, looking, sounding and feeling.

today it’s disappearing in various things to play with and diets.

So I’d like to express connection of modern and tradition for communication harmony in all generations with ground cherries.

I’m using traditional ink to express impacted line and color for round cherry. The lines mean harmony in various lives and thoughts of human beings.

Therefore, shapes of ground cherries are being used for expressing nature circulation.

-Aeri Lee